This afternoon I attended a ZOOM meeting put on by The Metropolitan Organization (TMO Houston) There were a number of issues addressed, but three subjects are listed on a petition to Texas lawmakers and representatives. I ask you to consider the issues and having done so, to sign or not sign as you believe God would have you do. If God left it up to me (and God certainly does NOT!), I would ask you to sign. I did. But I do ask that you spend at least a moment of reflection, and in the leading of God, to click on the link at the bottom to electronically add your name and e-mail to the petition. Some of these issues, I feel a great passion for. Others, less so. But I think they all matter. I hope you agree. -R. Eric Sawyer Here's the full petition (also found on the TMO website ================= WHY IS TEXAS AND CONGRESS IGNORING THE PAIN AND CRY OF OUR FAMILIES? * Sign below in support of this petition. * PATHWAY TO CITIZENSHIP FOR DACA: TMO calls on all US Senators, and especially Texas Senators John Cornyn and Ted Cruz, to include and support common sense immigration solutions in the Budget Reconciliation Bill including a pathway to citizenship for young adults who have qualified for DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals). • There are about 800,000 young adults with DACA in the US and 128,000 in Texas. • They have had no legal status and been in immigration limbo since 2012 • A bi-partisan group of business leaders are asking Congress to include a pathway to citizenship for DACA holders in the Budget Reconciliation Bill * STRENGTHEN OUR DEMOCRACY: TMO calls on the Texas House and Senate to reject all legislation that suppresses the right and opportunity of registered voters to cast their ballot • TMO opposes efforts to make voting more difficult or inconvenient for registered voters—we believe in democracy and our legislature should not adopt laws to suppress voting. * ALLOW LOCAL GOVERNMENTS TO DECIDE ABOUT MASK MANDATES: TMO calls on Governor Abbott to withdraw his Executive Order barring all city, county, health authorities and school districts from requiring any person to wear a face-covering or mask. • Texas is averaging over 16,000 new COVID cases each day with 13,000 hospitalized and 3,000 in intensive care units. • Thousands of children who are not yet eligible to be vaccinated are contracting COVID and some school districts are shutting down because they cannot control the spread of COVID. • The Texas Supreme Court has temporarily declined to enforce Governor Abbot’s Executive Order but they can still decide to support it in the future. Abbott should reverse his Order. Sign here:

“A word to the Church
from Presiding Bishop Michael Curry:

“Our long-term commitment to racial justice and reconciliation is embedded in our identity as baptized followers of Jesus. We will still be doing it when the news cameras are long gone.”

In the midst of COVID-19 and the pressure cooker of a society in turmoil, a Minnesota man named George Floyd was brutally killed. His basic human dignity was stripped by someone charged to protect our common humanity.

Perhaps the deeper pain is the fact that this was not an isolated incident. 

(Click the dove to go to the whole article) is the address for the entire Episcopal Church, the national offices. Along with the Diocesan site, it has wonderful material about “This is who we are” as Episcopalians. 

I think we should all read the material in the Book of Common Prayer: particularly the “Historical Documents” in the back: the Catechism, the Articles of Religion. These do a wonderful job at looking at our roots. They played a huge role in my own journey. 

The material at this website says a great deal about how we now understand our life in Jesus. It is fascinating, sometimes challenging, and always worthwhile is the website of the Diocese of Texas in the Episcopal Church IT has a world of good information about what is going on in the Diocese, and often has good things to read from our Diocesan Bishop, the Rt Rev. C. Andrew (“Andy”) Doyle

The Right Reverend C. Andrew Doyle, “Bishop Andy” is the 9th Bishop of the Diocese of Texas, and a very interesting fellow!

Following my own disillusion with the Church in the early years following 2000, he was one of the Bishops who restored my faith that there are some Bishops among “The Good Guys” I read a few of his books, heard him preach, and visited with him once. He helped me quite a lot.

He has described his six-word autobiography as:
“Met Jesus on pilgrimage,
still walking.”

Many of his “official” writings are on the Diocese of Texas page. But he has a lot to say on Face Book as well