Preparing to Receive Holy Communion
Preparing to Receive
Holy Communion
with an Examination of Conscience
for Hope Episcopal Church
Here is a very simple way in which to examine one’s conscience.
- Go to a place where you can be alone for an hour. A church is the best place. But it is essential that you be quiet and alone with God. For the first few minutes, think about God. Try to realize how much He loves you and the pain He suffered on the Cross in order to redeem you.
- Now consider your What a failure it has been in many ways; how different from the life of Jesus! Tell him that you are sorry for your sins and that you are resolved to face them all and cleanse yourself of their stain.
- Think now of some of the chief faults of your life; the sins (some of them perhaps as far back as your childhood) of which you are especially ashamed. Take a sheet of paper and note down the sins you can recall. But remember the great difference between temptation and sin. Temptation is the impulse to think, to say, or to do that which is wrong; but when you overcome the impulse, there is no sin. A sin is surrender to the
- After—but only after—you have noted down all the sins you can recall, it may help you to check up on your list by referring to the Examination of Conscience that (But get everything noted down on paper. When going to confession to a priest, it will save time for others who may be waiting if you can read the sins off readily in your confession.)
- If possible, state how many times you have committed each sin, or at all events the greater ones. If you cannot remember the number of times, At least say you have committed the sin
- PRIDE This is the root of sin; we have all in committed it in many ways. Have you loved God as much as you ought to do? Have you been more interested in self than in God? Have you made it your chief aim to always be on top? What have you been vain about: personal appearance, clothes, personality, possessions, family, abilities, or success in
games or in studies? Have you scorned other people for their misfortunes, their sins, their religion, stupidity, or other weaknesses? Have you talked too much or called attention to yourself? Been sorry for yourself, self-pitying? Refused to admit when you were wrong? Refused to apologize? Been resentful or suspicious of others through over- sensitiveness? Have you been stubborn and self-willed? In what ways?
- IDOLATRY Have you put another person before God’s law; by not going to church, or by committing some other sin to please that person? Have you wanted popularity so much that you have not said your prayers, or done some other good things, for fear of being laughed at? Have you loved money or clothes too much; or even sinned to get them? Have you gone to mediums or attended “spiritualistic” meetings?
- PROFANITY Have you sworn? Especially, have you misused the name of Jesus? Have you given way to anxiety, instead of turning to God for help? Have you been worried, afraid, or allowed yourself to get into a panic? Have you
allowed yourself to feel that it was impossible even for God to help you?
- IRREVERRENCE Have you missed Divine Service on Sunday, when you could have gone? Have you failed to say your prayers morning and night, or to say them earnestly? Have you always kept Sunday as it ought to be kept? Have you done some unnecessary work on Sunday?
Have you always tried to worship God when in Church, or have you sometimes been irreverent, or joked about holy things? (Remember that it is not a sin if you honestly forgot to say your prayers. It was only a sin if you neglected it through laziness or fear of being laughed at.) Have you ever been ashamed of your religion, or ashamed at Jesus?
- DISOBEDIENCE As a child, were you always as loving and respectful to your father or mother as you ought to have been? Have you been grateful enough for all that they did for you? Did you ever disobey them or others who were over you; or did you ever obey them slowly and reluctantly? Have your actions ever caused them anxiety or shame? Have you ever deliberately disobeyed God or ignored His desired for you? In what way? Have you ever shown disregard for the laws of the Church? For the laws of the land? Have you contributed as much as you ought to have done to the support or the happiness of your parents? What sins have you regarded to your wife/husband, children, or other members of your family? Have you given as much care and attention as possible to the religious life of your family; for example, with regard to Grace at meals, Family Prayers, Church-going, etc.? Have you seen that your children had adequate and continuous religious instruction? Have you been just and generous to people in your employment, or under your authority in business? In what ways have you failed? Have you tried to dominate the lives of others unduly? How?
- HATE Have you killed another human being, either in outward deed, or in your heart? Have you wished that someone was dead? Have you ever cursed people? Have you been angry unjustly, struck people, or hurt them by ridicule or contempt? Have you gossiped about people? Is there anyone whom you now hold a grudge against or are unwilling to forgive? (Think how often God has forgiven you, and ask Him to help you to forgive and love your enemies for His sake.) Have you refused to help people who were in real need of help? Have you ignored the sick or the poor? Have you neglected to be friendly with people, especially with those who are not very popular? Have you been afraid to stand up for a person when others were mistreating them? Have you ever taught or tempted another person to sin?
- IMPURITY These are the hardest things to confess, because we are so ashamed of them. But God will give you the courage to show them all plainly, if you ask him. Do not be afraid that the Priest will be shocked. He will not be. Remember that it is better not to make your confession at all than to hide a single sin. Have you been impure in thought, word or deed? You need not talk much about it, but make it quite plain to the Priest just what kinds of sin you mean, whether they were done alone, or with a man or a woman; and if possible, how often. Have you looked at evil
pictures? Have you read bad passages in books? Have you been immodest in actions or in dress? Have you been lazy in prayers, work, or study? Have you neglected business, family, or social duties? Have you ever eaten, drunk, or smoked more than was good for you? Have you neglected the days of fasting and abstinence? Have you broken rules or resolutions which you have made for yourself? Have you allowed yourself to become over-engrossed in light reading, movies, radio, television, or other pastimes, to the exclusion of worthwhile things? Have you been cowardly in sickness or in pain? Have you been mindful of the suffering of the world?
- THEFT Have you ever stolen anything, either as a child or more recently? What things? Have you shared in stolen goods? Have you cheated in business, games, or lessons? Have you been over-extravagant; have you gambled or bet too much? Have you tried hard to pay all of your debts, or have you contracted debts unnecessarily? Have you remembered that God has given you all you have? Have you thanked Him enough? Have you given as much as you ought to the Church or to charities? Have you been stingy? Have you wasted time?
- DECEIT How many lies have you told? Have you exaggerated too much? Have you been deceitful, unfair, or a hypocrite? Have you allowed others to receive blame for your faults? Have you been harsh toward others, or in speaking of others, for sins which you also have committed?
- DISCONTENT Have you been jealous of others, because they had more things, or more money, or because they were better looking or more successful, or because someone loves them more than you? Have you been grieved at the prosperity or attainments of others? Have you been dejected because of the position, talents, or fortune of others? Have you been glad when they failed or were in trouble, or were you glad when you heard people speak ill of them? Have you allowed yourself to be sad and discouraged at times, and not always fought to be brave and joyful? Have you tried to accept loss or sorrow or hard things at the hand of God? Have you thought that God does not love you? Have you ever given up trying to be good?
- After you have noted all the sins that you could remember, ask God to forgive you, and promise Him that you will try not to sin again. You then make an Act of Contrition like the following, or use one of the other prayers of confession in the Book of Common Prayer:
Almighty and most merciful Father, I have erred and strayed from thy ways like a lost sheep, I have followed too much the devices and desires of my own heart, I have offended against thy holy laws, I have left undone those things which I ought to have done, and I have done those things which I ought not to have done. But thou, O Lord, have mercy upon me, spare thou those who confess their faults, restore thou those who are penitent, according to thy promises declared unto mankind in Christ Jesus my Lord; and grant, O most merciful Father, for his sake, that I may hereafter live a godly, righteous, and sober life, to the glory of thy holy Name. Amen.
- Do not be afraid lest you forgot something. If you have done your best, that is all God asks.
- If you wish to make a confession to a priest using The Reconciliation of a Penitent in the Book of Common Prayer
- Show up at the scheduled time or make an
- Do not worry if you do not know how to make your confession. The Priest will show you
- If, when you made your confession before, you ever held back a sin, be sure to tell this in your
- Remember that the Priest is absolutely forbidden to reveal the contents of your confession to anyone, or even to mention it to you afterwards.
ABSOLUTION If you go to confession to a priest, the priest will give you absolution right after you make your confession. If you have thoroughly examined your conscience before God, but confessed to God privately, then the absolution that the priest gives right before you receive Holy Communion will absolve you from your sins.
IMMEDIATE PREPARATION FOR RECEIVING HOLY COMMUNION It is traditional to fast before receiving Holy Communion. A fast from all food and drink from midnight is traditional, but for reasons of health (and avoiding a headache is a reason of health) you can shorten or modify this, to either a three hour fast or a one-hour fast. Before you receive, either before the service or right before communion during the service, saying a prayer to prepare yourself is traditional. The Prayer of Humble Access, on p. 337 of The Book of Common Prayer is a good way to do this.
THANKSGIVING AFTER COMMUNION After you have received communion, kneel down and say a prayer to thank our Lord for giving Himself to you in this sacrament. The Prayer of Thanksgiving on p. 339 in the Book of Common Prayer is a Good way to do this.