Upcoming Events at Hope

Oaks Presbyterian Church invites YOU to a Community Game Day Friday, March 14, 10:30 am - 1:30 pm 1576 Chantilly Lane

They’ve got lots of games, or bring your favorite.

Enter the fellowship hall from Cheshire Street

RSVP — 281-657-4494

Your RSVP serves as your complimentary lunch ticket.

The Funeral Service for Gary Witt

Former parishioner of Hope

will be held on

Friday, March 14, 2 pm at the church.

Sharing our space, Sharing our Hope

On Sunday March 16 we’ll have our monthly lunch after church, at which time we can also have a group conversation about welcoming another worshiping community to use our space.

A Ministry of Hospitality!

Daughters of the King

If you would like the Daughters to hold you or someone you love in prayer, contact

Bridgett Bolden (blbold@gmail.com)

Let's have Sunday Community Luncheons!

Bring something, anything, to share. Or come anyway to join in the fellowship.

Next luncheon – April 27

Greeters Needed

Greeters are needed to welcome people each Sunday morning and at church events. If you wish to take part in this easy ministry, please speak with Danita Samples after church. Your outgoing smile and generosity is appreciated.

Hope Book Club - March 12, 2pm

The books we’ll be discussing this month are Frozen River, by Ariel Lawhon and Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros.

All are welcome to join our lively discussion group. Contact Shirley Nelson (979-216-7802)for the books to be read in 2025.

Wednesday Noon Eucharist and Lenten Study

Join us for worship during this time: Wednesdays at noon for Holy Eucharist and the study of the book, “The Sign and the Sacrifice” following the service. The book is available on Amazon. And read the first section for our first session on March 12.

Weekly Constants

The Sunday Morning Scripture Study

Every Sunday at 9:15 AM in the Parish Hall we meet to study the days scripture lessons before we gather for the Eucharist.

Thursday Bible Study

 We meet every Thursday at 10:30 a.m. in the parish hall. 

We are currently studying the book of Exodus.

Please consider joining us.

Men of Hope

The FIRST THREE Mondays of each month at 6:30 PM in the Parish Hall. We are currently studying in the Gospel of John 7:37.

Bridge Club

Every Tuesday afternoon 3 to 5 PM in the Parish Hall

Can Do - Can Food Donations

Help Hope help the community by contributing shelf stable items to Blessing Box located at St. Stephen’s Methodist Church, W43rd and Glebe. There are donation baskets/boxes in the Narthex and Parish Hall. Please bring a canned good at least once a month for the Blessing Box.

There is also a Blessing Box for pets. If you have any cat/dog food canned or bagged, it will be greatly appreciated also.

Thank you for helping make this Outreach Project a happening. Michele Thomas is in charge of placing the items in the Blessing Boxes.

Hope Episcopal Church — 1613 W. 43rd St., Houston, Texas 77018  — (713) 681-6422